TC-5915A Shield box


Shielding Effectiveness : >70dB from DC to 2.5GHz, including M591502B

Outer Dimension : 220(W)×280(D)×170(H) mm

Inner Dimension : 310(W)×475(D)×220(H) mm

Weight : 7kg

Easy customable to meet various test needs




TC-5915A Data Sheet Download

 ◆ Application

TESCOM TC-5915A Shield Box provides RF isolation and signal connections nesessary for mobile testing. With the RF coupling accessory and filtered control ports, TC-5915A makes an ideal solution for testing mobiles and small RF devices on the test benches fo R&D, service, and QC and manufacturing.

◆ Features

  • Reliable High RF Shielding up to 2.5GHz            
  • Manual operation   
  • Easily customizable to meet various test needs       
  • Shock Abosrber on lid                                             

◆ Specification

  • Shielding Effectiveness : >70dB, from DC to 2.5GHz, including M591502B
  • Inner Dimension : 220(W)×280(D)×170(H) mm
  • Outer Dimension : 310(W)×475(D)×220(H) mm
  • Weight : approx. 7kg

◆ Ordering Information

TC-5915A Shield Box, fitted with Blank Panels

M591001A*, 100pF pi filter in DB9 connector instead of 1000pF pi filter
M591002A*, 100pF pi filter in DB25 connector instead of 1000pF pi filter
4006-0004*, RG400S, N(m) to N(m) cable, 1m
4009-0006*, DB9(s) to USB A(p) cable, 1m
4009-0007*, DB9(p) to USB A(s) cable, 15cm
* Suitable for USB1.1 and Bluetooth device test application

M591501A, Blank Panel
M591502B, Data Interface Module
M591504A, W-LAN CardBus Controller Module for Desk Top PC
M591505A, DATA Interface Module
M591531A, RJ-45 Interface Module
M591532A, DC Power Interface Module
M591533A, DB9 Interface Module
M591534A, USB 2.0 Interface Module (Only for USB to USB connection)

TC-93020A, Flat Type Antenna Coupler

TC-93030B, Flat Type Antenna Coupler

TC-93031A, Flat Type Antenna Coupler

TC-93034A, DAB/DMB Antenna Coupler


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