TC-5920A Data Sheet Download
◆ Application
TC-5920A Shield Box provides an efficient RF isolated test environment for testing mobile, testing WLAN and small RF devices on the benches of R&D, service, QC and manufacturing.
◆ Features
- High RF shielding
- Easy Opening/Closing of Door
- EMI filters on all Data and DC lines TC-5920A fitted
- Easily customizable to meet various test needs with M592002A
◆ Specification
- Shielding Effectiveness : > 60dB, from DC to 2.5GHz, including M592002A
- RF Connectors : 2 SMA(f) outside and SMA(f) inside
- Data Line Electrical Rating : 100VDC, 3A max
- Dimension : 212(W)×578(D)×262(H) mm
- Working Space : 182(W)×380(D) 210(H) mm
- Weight : 11kg
◆ Ordering Information
TC-5920A, Shield Box, fitted with M592001A
M591001A*, 100pF pi filter in DB9 connector instead of 1000pF pi filter M591002A*, 100pF pi filter in DB25 connector instead of 1000pF pi filter
4006-0004*, RG400S, N(m) to N(m) cable, 1m 4009-0006*, DB9(s) to USB A(p) cable, 1m 4009-0007*, DB9(p) to USB A(s) cable, 15cm * Suitable for USB1.1 and Bluetooth device test application.
M592001A , Blank Panel M592002A, Data interface module M592003A, Data interface module M592004A, Data interface module M592005A, Data interface module M592006A, WLAN CardBus Extender Module for Notebook M592007A, Data interface module