TC-5970B Data Sheet Download
◆ Application
TC-5970B provides RF radiation shielding for testing medium and large size Wireless Devices for Engineering, Manufacturing and Service.
◆ Features
- High RF Shielding
- Easy Opening/Closing of Door
- EMI filters on all Data And DC lines
- Customizable Data connections
◆ Specification
- Shielding Effectiveness : >70dB at 900MHz, >70dB at 1.8GHz, >60dB at 2.4GHz, >55dB at 5.8GHz including M597001A
- RF Connectors : 4 N(f) outside and SMA(f) inside
- Data line Capacity : 100 VDC, 3 Amps maximum
- Outer Dimension : 620(W)×680(D)×531(H)mm
- Working space : 540(W)×550(D)×430(H)mm, 205(D)mm top side
- Lid Size : 507(W)×398(H)mm
- Weight : 39Kg (with module)
- Packed weight : 53Kg
◆ Ordering Information
TC-5970B, Shield Box, Fitted with M597001A(3pcs.)
5970B-01, for general purpose application, fitted with M597001A(2pcs.), M597002A 5970B-02, for Notebook PC application, fitted with M597002A, M597006A, M597007A
4002-0002, RG223, N(m) to N(m) cable, 1m 4011-0004, SS-402, N(m) to SMA(m) cable, 1m 4006-0004, RG400S, N(m) to N(m) cable, 1m M597001A, Blank Panel M5970002A, Data Interface Module, 1000pF Pi filter M597003A, Data Interface Module, 100pF Pi filter M597004A, Data Interface Module, 2×DB9, 2×DB25 M597005A, RF and DC Power Module M597006A, Power Interface Module M597007A, PC Interface Module for Notebook M597008A, W-LAN CardBus Controller Module for Desk Top PC M597009A, W-LAN CardBus Extender Modules for Notebook