


Channels: 1 / 2

Bus: VXI / PXI / GPIB, USB or LAN/Ethernet

16Bit / 14Bit

±50VDC / ±50V / ±40VDC

±100mADC / ±40mADC


Function Generators


Channels: 1 / 2

Bus: VXI / PXI


40MS/s / 100MS/s

14Bit / 16Bit Resolution

Output Waveform Voltage ±20V / +30V / ±10V



High Precision DC-Source


Channels: 4 / 8 / 12

Bus: VXI


16Bit Resolution



High Current SMU



Channels: 1

Bus: GPIB / USB or LAN/Ethernet


 Output current up to 100A

 Programmable voltage 0V to +50V


High Voltage SMU






Channels: 1

Bus: GPIB / USB or LAN/Ethernet



 ±30mA in pulse mode, ±8mA in continous mode

 ±10uA to ±50mA

 10V/ms to 1000V/ms

 Voltage measurement range 1V to10000V

 Current measurement range from 100nA to 100mA






Channels: 8x16

Bus: VXI





Channels: 1 

Bus: VXI


Input Voltages Up To 1000VDC and 1000VACP / 300VDC and 300VACP

Resistance Measurements Up To 10MOhm

Resolution 24Bit

Accuracy Typical 0.005%DCV and 0.07%ACV / 0.01%DCV and 0.14%ACV



Power Amplifier




Channels: 2 / 8

Bus: GPIB / I2C / USB


±50V/1.6A / up to 2.5A

16Bit resolution

Frequency Bandwidth Up To 150KHz

Pulse Modulation Up To 50V/200mA



Pulse/Pattern Gen/Rec



Channels: 2

Bus: VXI


The Module Generates Bit Pattern Up To 40MBit/s

Pattern Frequency Up To 200MHz

Programmable Output Voltage Range From -2V to 10V 








Channels: 4

Bus: VXI


Bandwidth Up To 100kHz

Programmable Phase +/-180° 

Output Voltage And DC-offset +/-10V







Channels: 2




Resolution 10ns

Input Voltages Up To ±250V / ±125V

Frequency Measurements Up To 1.3GHz



System Power Supplies



Channels: 1 / 2 / 4

Bus: GPIB / USB / PXI / CPCI / RS232 / LAN/Ethernet


Programmable System Power Supply 0 to 40VDC/6ADC / 10VDC/1ADC, 20VDC/500mADC, 40VDC/250mADC and 60VDC/200mADC / ±10VDC/ ±1ADC, ±20VDC/ ±500mADC, ±40VDC/ ±250mADC or ±60VDC/ ±200mADC / 10VDC/250mADC / ±100VDC/±1ADC / 20VDC/15ADC, 30VDC/10ADC, 40VDC/8ADC and 80VDC/4ADC

12Bit / 16Bit Resolution

Accuracy 0.1%DCV / 0.05%DCV / 0.2%DCI / 0.5%DCV / ±5% / 


Waveform Digitizers



Channels: 1 / 2

Bus: VXI / PXI


 20MS/s / 100MS/s / 1GS/s

 8Bit / 12Bit / 14Bit / 16Bit

 input voltages up to ±250V







                                                              Channels: 1

                                                               Bus: VXI



Copyright � 2006 Anat Tessler